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June 2, 2009

City of Salem
No Place for Hate Committee
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
5:00 pm

In Attendance:  Scott Weiseberg, Jim Moskovis, Jerrie Hildebrand, Lucy Corchado, Gypsy Ravish, Bonnie Weiss, Tom Watkins

Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved.  

Scott opened up the meeting and the group introduced themselves to all.  Scott began by mentioning an initial meeting he had as the Committee’s new Chair with Tom, Jerrie and Myriam Zuber of the ADL.  The goal of the meeting was so Scott and Jerrie could become better informed of the mission of the No Place for Hate Committee and what is expected from us from the ADL’s point of view.  They also brainstormed some ideas as well.  

Scott stated that he would like to get the word out more about Salem’s No Place for Hate Committee and the resources they can provide to the greater public.  He specifically mentioned he would like to make contacts with the School Department, Clergy Association, parents and youth.  

Tom was asked by Jerrie to add Kathleen Hoff to the Committee’s email address.  She said Kathleen is very interested in joining and working with the NPFH Committee.  Kathleen is interested in getting her Peacemakers Program involved with the NPFH efforts.  

Bonnie mentioned that the ADL provides great programs on cyberbullying.  She also mentioned the Peer to Peer program at Wakefield High School and the Tolerance Committee at North Shore Community College.  

Tom said that he will send in the NPFH certification application in to the ADL to be officially certified as a NPFH community for 2009.   

Tom and Jim will talk to the Mayor about having a Principle of Respect document made for the schools.  

Bonnie would like to begin identifying the rallyers and fence sitters at our events and would also like to see an agenda item at City Council meetings to discuss hate crimes and respect.  

Gypsy stated that she believes the NPFH Committee serves as a resource to help others and that it would be great to create a peer/respect program at the schools.  

Lucy stated that the group needs to identify groups and programs in the community that can help people.  We should advertise these resources on the Committee webpage.

Scott stated that there is no need to recreate the wheel.  We can tap into existing programs and events and make them Salem specific.  

Jim would also like to reach out to the community about the Armenian Genocide and the controversy created by the ADL.  

Bonnie mentioned creating a memorial to recognize all genocides which have taken place in the world.  

Next Meeting: Wednesday June 17th at 5:00 pm  

Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.  
Minutes recorded by Tom Watkins